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2014 Sessions - call or email for start dates

* 8 consecutive weeks *


Call Kitty at 310-936-4130

"The essence of yogic teachings, rooted in modern evidenced based medicine."

Each week focuses on learning and embodying life coping skills to manage stress and live more fruitfully through a blend of group discussion, gentle yoga movement (appropriate for all levels, beginner or experienced) and brief, guided meditations. You commit to building a home yoga and meditation practice and are given materials in the form of 3 recorded guided meditations and 2 yoga practices as support.

Yoga of Awareness has been through 3 clincial trials to date - 2 with breast cancer patients/survivors and 1 with fibromyalgia population.


YofA participant from Teaneck states ~

I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and unable to adjust to using a C-Pap machine, I was truly pessimistic yoga could help me. I was wrong. The information I learned in this program, led by Kitty, allowed me to learn different methods of breathing. Now, when I awaken during the night, I am able to allow myself to fall back to sleep with ease."

Yoga Of Awareness

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